Infinite Water

The client

Infinite Water are water and wastewater treatment experts helping secure the future of clean water.

The challenge

Infinite Water were redesigning their website, which required a copy review and refresh. The client wanted the copy to be shorter without changing the technical information within.

The solution

Pulling copy from the old website into a copy deck created a new source of truth for everyone to work from. The tagline and homepage were critical pieces that needed to work hard for the client and speak to their full broad audience. I edited copy to shorten it, introduced more subheads to improve readability, and tailored tone of voice on different pages to speak to specific audiences. A critical piece of this puzzle was unifying language across pages and sections to help make the site feel more cohesive.

The homepage

One of the biggest challenges was the expansive scope of the website. There was so much to cover often involving advance technical detail, cutting down the length was challenging but possible with a couple of rounds of feedback from their in-house experts.

The tagline

Another challenge common with companies with a broad scope of work is their tagline. The old tagline sounded good but didn’t clearly say what they do. It’s often a trade-off with broad remits and instead of trying to list everything they do, it’s best to pick the core unique selling proposition and clearly articulate that.

We develop the most efficient and sustainable water and wastewater treatment solutions through technology and innovation.


Blackhearts & Sparrows

