Self portrait, Broken Head, 2021.

Andy who?

Andy is a senior copywriter currently working with graphic design giants Canva. He is a campaign-hardened conceptual copywriter and creative brain with over 14 years of experience working with fast-paced start-ups. He’s experienced in helping establish and refine brands’ tone of voice, articulate brand copy (tagline, story, values, vision and mission) and set up and execute content marketing strategies. He’s ideated and executed international omnichannel campaigns, conceptualised countless product launches, set up processes to manage a network of international content creators, established ambassador programs, set up internal communications for wrinkle-free remote work and one time he got mugged by four humpback whales while surfing.


As he began tinkering with the tools of writing, he cofounded Paper Sea Quarterly – a 180-page print publication about surf, travel, and the arts. He ran the magazine as editor-in-chief for seven years and 16 issues, which landed him a role as copywriter for international bag nerds Crumpler. He moved on to become marketing manager for impatient coffee-tech aficionados Skip, project manager for good word locators Apostrophe, copywriter for fintech business boosters Moula, helped conscientious camera accessories brand Urth rename, launch new products and scale their business internationally before starting his own business as a freelance copywriter, joining Lyka pet food for a comprehensive copy review and Canva’s social content and creation team in 2021.


  • Conceptual campaign copywriting

  • Brand storytelling copywriting

  • eCommerce and web copywriting

  • UX copywriting

  • SEO blog content copywriting

  • Social media copywriting

  • Lifecycle comms copywriting

  • Streamlining content creation processes


This is where you come in, hello. You got this. If you need some conscientiously crafted copy, your tone of voice needs some vocal lessons, you need some surprisingly ingenious campaign ideas, help planning or executing content marketing or setting up better company communications, you need an indefatigable creative collaborator – call Andy now. He’ll be ready. He’s always ready.

How can I help you?

If you’re looking for an experienced conceptual copywriter and creative brain for anything from a tagline, UX copy, web copy, tone of voice bible, content strategy, blog content creation, digital marketing campaigns, or lifecycle communications then I’m looking for you.

Let’s chat

I live in Byron Bay, Australia mate.

Request a coffee date

Where do you want to meet?

Byron Bay to Brisbane – week by week
Syd + Mel + Hob – month by month
Perth – meet at Cactus?

Andy, waiting.

Andy, waiting to hear from you.